
- acheong08

    "There is no competition"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 QR Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Algorithm The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Multi-Layered QR The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
11 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
12 Tweet tweet The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
13 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
14 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
15 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
16 Contacts The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#2 - slayingripper

    "Το κρίμα εν πάστο κλίμα"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 Algorithm The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Tweet tweet The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
11 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
12 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
13 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
14 QR Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
15 Contacts The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
16 Multi-Layered QR The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#3 - TH3_W1Z4RD

    "A veces hay que jugársela..."

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
18 Robotic Arm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#4 - CptMundy

    "q dise no c inlges"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
18 Robotic Arm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#5 - Cuisso.10

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
18 Robotic Arm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#6 - Techmo

    "no pga el ctrl v"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
18 Robotic Arm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#7 - No96

    "Es tiempo de romper el tiempo"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#8 - DrBubbles

    "skip instructions and print flag"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
11 Algorithm The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
12 Contacts The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
13 Tweet tweet The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
14 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#9 - h0Lz3n

    "User not found"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#10 - hannahal

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#11 - No18


# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#12 - Bread

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Tweet tweet The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Contacts The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
11 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
12 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
13 Algorithm The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
14 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#13 - Rokex

    "Intrusión y Alteración"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#14 - dhruvil

    "Resilience is skii"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Tweet tweet The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
11 QR Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#15 - Vladimir20

    "Novato en competencia"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#16 - forenseman

# Flag Box
1 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#17 - Ph0b1c

    "Never really thought about one.."

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Tweet tweet The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 Contacts The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
11 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
12 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
13 Algorithm The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#18 - wills24

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Algorithm The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#19 - hackscorp1

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#20 - minecraftgamer03

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Tweet tweet The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
11 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
12 Algorithm The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
13 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
14 Contacts The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#21 - Jelex1166

    "Escapar de la rutina"

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#22 - D0nt_Kn0w

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
10 File Encryption The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY

#23 - Mr_MzZz


# Flag Box
1 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Lost Access Code The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
16 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
17 Surveillance The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#24 - MZ505

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
2 Tweet Tweet The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
3 Time Machine The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
4 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
5 Media The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
6 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
8 Contacts The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
9 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
10 Group Name The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
11 Algorithm The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
12 File Encryption The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
13 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
14 DigitalFootprint The Last Stand - Yucatan i6
15 Solar Cipher The Last Stand - Yucatan i6

#25 - Jasmine

# Flag Box
1 Sanity Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
2 Time Machine The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
3 Relic Phone The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
4 Media The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
5 Facility Danger The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
6 Calendar Check The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
7 Web Activities The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
8 Group Name The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY
9 Encryption Key The Last Stand - Cardiff ONLY